Spearmint, Turkestan mint (Lagochilus inebrians) - seeds RARITY!

4,90  - 199,00 

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Rauschminze, Turkestan mint, Intoxicating hare's-lipwort (Lagochilus inebrians) - Seeds - Absolute rarity!

Origin: Uzbekistan
Harvest: October 2023
Germination period: approx. 2-6 weeks

You can choose between 1, 5, 10 and 50 dried flowers choose! Each flower contains 2 - 4 Seeds! Larger quantities on request please!

Here you can find our Lagochilus inebrians blog posts!


Sowing instructions

When you choose to grow Lagochilus inebrians seeds, you enter the fascinating world of a rare and unique plant known for its medicinal properties and ethnobotanical history. Here are some tips for sowing Lagochilus inebrians seeds:

  1. Choose the right location: Lagochilus inebrians prefers a warm and sunny location with well-drained soil. Make sure that the location is protected from strong winds, as the plant can react sensitively to strong air currents.
  2. Soil preparation: Loosen the soil thoroughly and remove weeds and large stones. Lagochilus inebrians thrives best in well-drained soil with a neutral to slightly acidic pH value. If necessary, amend the soil with compost or rotted manure to increase the nutrient supply.
  3. Seed procurement: Obtain high-quality Lagochilus inebrians seeds from a trustworthy source such as Garden Shaman. Make sure to choose fresh seeds to ensure good germination.
  4. Sowing time: The best times for sowing Lagochilus inebrians seeds are in spring or early summer when the soil temperatures are warm enough. Sow the seeds about 0.5 to 1 centimeter deep in the prepared soil and keep it evenly moist.
  5. Germination and care: Lagochilus inebrians seeds can take several weeks to germinate. Keep the seedlings moist and thin them out if necessary to prevent overcrowding. As soon as the seedlings become stronger, you can carefully transplant them to provide enough space for them to grow.

Tips and tricks

  • Regular watering: Lagochilus inebrians plants require regular watering, especially during the growing season. Make sure to keep the soil evenly moist, but avoid overwatering to prevent waterlogging.
  • Protection against pests: Lagochilus inebrians plants are relatively robust, but they can still be attacked by pests such as aphids or spider mites. Monitor your plants regularly and take pest control measures if necessary, such as removing infested leaves or applying insecticides.
  • Special care during the dry season: Lagochilus inebrians is adapted to dry conditions and can survive longer periods of drought well. Nevertheless, it is important to water regularly during such periods to support the growth and health of the plants.

Worth knowing

  • Lagochilus inebrians, also known as broomrape, is a species of plant in the Lamiaceae family, native to Central Asia. It has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and is known for its psychoactive and medicinal properties.
  • The roots and leaves of Lagochilus inebrians contain a variety of active ingredients, including alkaloids and triterpenes, which have a wide range of pharmacological effects. The plant is traditionally used to treat various ailments such as indigestion, pain and anxiety.
  • It is important to note that Lagochilus inebrians is used as a psychoactive drug in some regions and may be subject to legal restrictions. Before growing or consuming Lagochilus inebrians seeds, you should find out about the legal regulations in your region.


Here you can find our blog article on growing Lagochilus inebrians!
Here you can find our blog article on the uses of the intoxicating mint!


FREE seeds with every order 🙂



  • Despite constant quality controls (checking the germination quality, storage capability, etc. of the plant seeds, etc.) we can unfortunately none Warranty on the germination of our seeds give - too many different factors in the context of cultivation / conditions - can prevent successful germination.
  • Please inquire about the applicable laws in your country BEFORE purchasing this product. Laws and import regulations or whether this product may be imported/used/grown.
  • Our plant seeds are, if available in your country for the Cultivation determined and allowed, exclusively intended for plant cultivation.
  • For further information and guidelines please refer to our terms and conditions or simply write us your questions by mail to: support@gardenshaman.eu 🙂

1 flower, 5 flowers, 10 flowers, 50 flowers

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